Google Maps Not Loading On Your Android?
Is Google Maps not loading on your Android device? Read this article for help.
What Is Google Maps?
Google Maps is a platform that provides users with geographical access to locations. With features such as map directions, locating storefronts, and Google satellite view, the service allows its users to search for the locations they need. Newer features include a three-hundred-sixty-degree view of the street.
With Google Maps, you can plan your drives, check in on the traffic, and even estimate your travel time. You can also select what type of transportation service you will be traveling with. For those desiring to use traffic transportation, Google Maps can also provide information on which bus routes or train connections they can take to reach their destination.
Why Is Google Maps Not Loading on My Android Phone?
Is Google Maps not loading on your android phone? This issue is common and can occur on many of our devices. There are some reasons why this could occur. See the topics below to begin the troubleshooting process to try and solve the Google Maps not loading for your android issue.
Internet connection issues
Google Maps requires a strong connection to the internet in order to load properly. If you have a poor connection, the server will not be able to load access to the platform on your device.
The app needs to be updated
If your app is not up to date, there may be some issues with the functionality of the app. Check if there are any updates available for the app. You can do this by going to the Google Play Store, and searching for the app. Once you click on the app, you will be notified under the open or uninstall options if there is a new version available.
You can also click the little three dots at the top right corner of your screen where you can select the enable the auto-update option. This will automatically update the app for you in the future, to ensure your app is always up to date and at its most optimal functionality for your use.
If Google Maps are not working after an android update, see the section title, “Alternative Solutions to the Android Google Maps Loading Issue” for more information.
Your software on your device may need to be updated to support a newer version of the app
To tie in with ensuring that you have an updated app, you will also need to make sure that your device is updated with the newest updated software available. Similar to the app, out-of-date software will not run well, and you will most likely face loading issues and more. You can check what software is needed on your device by accessing your settings.
Scroll down until you see the software update tab, and select it to check on your current software.
How to Solve Google Maps Loading Issue
Troubleshoot your internet or cellular connection
Google Maps requires a strong connection to the internet in order to load properly. The first step you can take to troubleshoot this issue is to check your connection. Be sure that you have enough bars on your device. The bars that represent your service connection can be found at the top of your Android screen.
Next, you can turn off your Wi-fi or cellular service to re-establish the connection. You can do this by accessing this in your settings. Once you have turned one or both of these services off, you can turn them back on. From here, wait a few seconds before attempting to load Google Maps again. If this did not work
Clear the Google Maps cache and data
If you have already updated Google Maps on your device, and it has not solved the loading issue, you can now take an additional step. To clear Google Map’s cache and data, you will need to go into your settings on your Android. Tap the Apps and notifications tab. Next, select the Google Maps app.
Select the storage and cache option. Now select clear cache, as well as clear data storage. This will erase all of the temporary and other data stored on the app and reset connections and settings.
Restart the device
If you have taken the steps that are located above and you are still facing this issue, you can take an additional step to troubleshoot by restarting your device. Oftentimes, our devices just need a fresh start. Turn off your device and then proceed to turn it back on. From there, you can try to access the app once again.
Delete the app
Similar to the step above, you can delete the app and redownload it in order to reset any issues that were occurring before. Once you have done this, you can try to access Google Maps once again.
Alternative Solutions to the Android Google Maps Loading Issue
See these alternative solutions to troubleshoot this issue further.
Check out the Google Maps Product Forum
If you did not find a solution to the issue here, you could read the Google Maps Product Forum for topics similar to this loading issue. Click here to read more information.
Send feedback to the Google Maps team
If your app is still loading slowly, you can send feedback to the Google Maps team. They may help you with some next steps you can take if this is an ongoing issue. Click here to send feedback.
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