How to Buy a Phone Number for SMS Verification Purposes in 3 Easy Steps

July 23, 2022

Although buying a phone number may be daunting, it doesn’t have to be! Here, we’ll give you three steps to get started.

Choose a Solid Provider

The most important task to consider when purchasing a phone number is of course which provider you decide to go with. Choosing a lackluster provider or one that simply does not fit your needs can at best cause hassle, and at its worst lead to larger errors or even breaches of security. Having a solid phone number service provider is a must for those serious about buying and efficiently using the number they paid for. Because of the variety of providers available to yourself on the market, so too exists a variety of services and features for each one. Below are some criteria to help you on your journey to picking the right virtual phone number provider.

How to Buy a Phone Number for SMS Verification (non-infographic)

Does Your Provider Allow for U.S.-Based Phone Numbers

This category weeds out much of the number-selling world, as many providers operate outside of the confines of the United States. The biggest category of those who refrain from selling U.S.-based numbers are those like RingCentral and Nextiva who sell VoIP numbers. While VoIP numbers are good for calling and messaging others, that is primarily all they are good for, and lack other features present in the numbers of other phone number service providers. Overall, if you are looking for a number to simply communicate with others in a professional setting or separately from your personal lines, having a VoIP number could be the right choice for you. However, if you are looking for more from your virtual number, take heed to what is said below.

Can You Verify Multiple Platforms?

This feature is an important category to those who truly want to make the most out of their virtual numbers. With the increased need for numbers in a growing technological setting, having a number to use when creating new accounts for spaces such as Instagram or Facebook is a must for a variety of individuals. Unfortunately again, VoIP-based numbers just can’t perform in this way. Because of their purely virtual nature, trying to verify one’s account is just sadly out of the picture. However, most U.S.-based phone service providers can grant this feature to those who desire it. A great example of such a provider is With the added bonus of being the virtual U.S. phone number provider, Tardigrada allows its clients to use their numbers for verification on a variety of platforms such as U.S.-based Netflix and much more.

Are they a Legitimized Source?

The last major criteria for picking the right provider, and often the most important to concerned and knowledgeable consumers such as yourself, is the legitimacy and security of the provider. Failing to identify a suspicious or faulty provider could prove to be potentially disastrous, especially if you have your banking account linked to your phone or even your Apple Wallet information. The best way to tell a good phone provider from a potential scammer is to do your research and also see where your provider is based. As a general rule of thumb, U.S. providers tend to be vetted more thoroughly than those overseas. Doing so should yield rather fast results, and there are even sites built to compare providers.

For those still interested in VoIP, one of the easiest signs of bad service to detect is when a provider will overpromote and even brag about their many features and how easy it is to install the service. In many cases, VoIP systems aren’t the most simplistic of services and may take a bit of work to implement properly.

Or pick for a reliable and efficient provider would have to be, who offers a wide array of services for its customers, and also happens to be a trusted place for those who wish to have the utmost security.

Sign Up for an Account with

Once you have vetted your choice thoroughly, looked at the features offered, and finally made a decision, the next logical step is to sign up using your virtual phone number service provider, ideally through the application they provide. All good providers will present the buyer with an interactive and basic system for signing up that you need not worry about. We recommend using Tardigrada for both their functionality, accessibility and ease of use, especially when utilizing multiple virtual phone numbers and authenticating various accounts. Luckily with this provider, signing up couldn’t be easier! Simply click their website, hit the “Sign Up” button at the upper right hand of the website, and sign up in 5 minutes or less.

Use Your Rented Phone Number

Many sites handle this part differently, and it is best to communicate with them for the full list of possibilities provided. With non-VoIP numbers, the amount of functions one is allowed to perform is increased and therefore can come with their own small learning curves. To best explain the functions below, we’ll showcase some of the great features that come along with a U.S.-based phone number.

Choose which Platforms You Want to Integrate with Tardigrada

Since not all platforms known to the digital world are accessible with a Tardigrada phone number, or a number from any other provider for that matter, you will have to procure a list of platforms you wish to access. This is the easiest part of the process, as it doesn’t actually involve you doing anything with the Tardigrada site itself.

Enter them into Your Tardigrada Account

Once you have your list on hand and ready to go, enter them into your Tardigrada account accordingly in order to access verification features. Although not all platforms are currently accessible through Tardigrada, in an effort to offer the best quality of service for customers, we’re currently working on having accessibility on all platforms and even unlisted website services. Contact us for more information here!

Start Verifying Your Accounts

Once most or all of your platforms have been entered, go to your chosen digital places and use your purchased U.S. mobile number to your heart’s content! Verification will be just the same as when using your personal number, making use simple and efficient.

Although you might feel overwhelmed with options when first beginning your virtual number journey, the process is easier than you would think. With these guidelines, you should be able to locate and rent a phone number from a quality provider without the added stress and worry.